Pinoy Business Coach

Business coaching- PINOY style!

Your emotions and the 10T business you want to start

One author suggested that starting and running a business is 90% emotions and 10% skill.  I have thought about idea for years and as I have started, bought and am running my own companies, I have realized that this is absolutely and curiously true.

In the many different sectors of my life, I have met people who had the money but were too scared to start their own ventures, I have met people who had very scare resources and big ideas, I have met people who had no resources and no ideas as well (you might not want to belong to this group), I have met people who were absolutely clueless and yes I have met OFWs who used to have a lot of resources but because of misconceptions about business, could not get them off the ground.

Is it the 10,000 pesos capital in your hands that has the capacity to lift your business up or is it the thing behind your ears which can help in regulating the emotions that would go drooling at the sight of tons of cash ? Money in itself is ONLY inert matter and does not possess of itself any inherent powers that you give.  So the alibi that "Wala akong pang-capital" or "Hindi kasi ako pinanganak na mayaman eh" just won't fly in the school of the streets.  The under-capitalized but persistent vendor who even has to go through the avenues of our Indian friends or the 5/6 method has even broken barriers in their micro-ventures and are thriving in our economy.  You just have to stop blaming your circumstance, your savings account (if you have any) or the government for that matter.  You might as well stop the blaming now since if you don't, you will still be blaming 20 years after.

A start-up business when planned really well and when guided by experienced coaches and real-life entrepreneurs has lots of potential. It is the ability to persist to implement the simple business plan and the asking of the personal inquiry "Who do you have to be to succeed?"  It is the Being part that is often difficult and that has a lot bearing with your emotional make-up.

Are your attitudes like this: Do you have tendencies to wane down in your excitement?  Do you go and start and when sales does not come, give up easily?  Are you easily swayed by the financial position of others being better than yours?

Or is it like this

Can you practice Delayed Gratification?  Can you tell the difference between the numbers and keep your salary as a set % at the beginning of the business? Can you learn to manage your cash flow?

As you can see, those questions have little to do with how much money you have at the initial salvo of your business. The emotions you manage within yourself will be the showcase of the force behind the business that you are building.  The business may be a Network Marketing, a start-up micro-venture or a franchise, it does not really matter as long as you can handle the ups and downs of it, they your success rate raises exponentially.

So it is vital that one start his training early to be in business, taking a sales course or starting out as a sales person will exponentially lift the emotional intelligence of a person seeking to be an ardent student of Entrepreneurship.  Serving in your Church or in civic activities will develop leaderships skills that have a great impact on one's emotional health.

In the end, the 10T pesos in your hands matters minutely in the grand scheme of things.


Anna Delfin said...

For me, If you want to start a business, you must learn your business niche to become success. Capital is one important on starting a business, however, there are some company offer their services for your business by giving a free trial like Free Virtual Office

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