Pinoy Business Coach

Business coaching- PINOY style!

Real Estate as a business

I recently attended TRACE TRAJANO's "Think Rich Quick" Seminar.  It was quite a journey travelling all the way from Zamboanga to listen to this Real Estate Guru teach about his techniques and to hear from his students who have actually done it here in the Philippines.  For more information on Trace and who he is, please Click HERE.

 If you are an Entrepreneur and have been through the thick and thins of your business, the concepts of real estate investing should be something that is easily grasped upon.  The Analysis of a deal, the Raising of capital, the Sales and Marketing and the Legalities of a Real Estate business are really intricate parts of a great business.

While I agreed with all of Trace's concepts on using Real Estate as a great vehicle, he was specifically endorsing his Apprenticeship program wherein there would be a mentoring of those who have done it to those who want to do it and a time bounded acquisition of properties.  While I believe that this mentoring program is noble, I think that every business should start small, allowing education to set in and then slowly progress to more complicated deals.  I am happy with the success stories that this will produce but I am also wary on the repercussions this would bring to those who might not be willing to invest on education but are attracted SOLELY to the sums of money that this investment would make.  That would be a tragedy to raise money and lose that money eventually.

For those who are interested to start a business using Real Estate, please sign up in Trace's website HERE.


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