Pinoy Business Coach

Business coaching- PINOY style!

It does not take Money to MAKE Money

If the lack or absence of capital is indeed the hindrance to starting your own enterprise then consider the following TRUE STORY:

In the year 2004 Mr. F, retired from his position as a Regional Manager of a Big Bank. As a reward for his long, hard years of service, the company offered him 17 Million pesos as a separation fee (yes,you heard it right- 17 Meelyuun).

Days after receiving this retirement fund, Mr. F, decided to buy one son a high end 4X4 Vehicle, which, if I can recall correctly, was a Brand New Mitsubishi Pajero (check the market price). For the purpose of appeasing sibling rivalry, he bought the younger son also another 4X4 Vehicle, which if I can recall correctly was a Toyota Hi-lux (check the market price). Mr. F also decided to build a 4 Million house, telling himself that it was high time for him to enjoy 'the good life'.

After constantly telling this to himself, one expensive expenditure led to another and the golf games became too many. This too lavish lifestyle took it's financial toll and ss of April 2009, Mr. F's savings have gone down amazingly from 17 Million in the year 2004 to merely just 300,000 pesos at the present time. This would have been a great scenario if the 16.7 Million pesos were exposed to investments and businesses that could have otherwise provided much cash flow to Mr.F's financial statements, but this has not happened. Simply put, Mr.F spent Php 9151.00 Pesos EVERYDAY since he received that huge amount of money.

Although Mr. F held a very reputable position in his bank, he has demonstrated 'poor' management of personal money, as evidenced by uncontrolled spending habits. His financial literacy was not at par with his golfing game, which he did more often and did better. This instant 'presence' of wealth went through the head and directly to the roof. Here is an individual who had tons of money, little financial understanding (regardless of age and experience) and who had no financial plan whatsoever.

This true account is one of those stories that makes you 'sigh' in disbelief. All that money placed in liabilities that go down in value day after day, month after month makes you want to think twice about the delusion that it takes money to make money.


Lowel said...

Nice Article...

pregusay said...

Thanks Lowel, hope you could also check the older posts and follow more of the up and coming issues.

Please check also my silver and gold investment blog:

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