Pinoy Business Coach

Business coaching- PINOY style!

The Definition of SUCCESS

Early in my business life, a mentor shared his definition of SUCCESS and it was something that went like this: "Success is the fulfillment of worthwhile pre-determined goals." The definition of SUCCESS is important and vital for an individual since it will determine by large how one will measure it.

Most of us, consider success as monetary in value or something that is associated with having much money. That is only one side of the definition of SUCCESS, if you go back to my mentor's definition you will not find a word that is linked to having tons of money and yet it is very clear as to how he will measure his own success.

It would be a little weird if we account our success to having much money since this would mean that the Entrepreneur has run out of ideas on how to let his money circulate in ventures that would create more. Remember that the money we have today is actually a 'currency', from the root word 'current', it must needs circulate or it would die.

Some of us may have heard of comments like this: "Magnenegosyo lang ako kung malaki na ang aking capital!" Again, it boils down to how you define success. The business inertia that stops us from doing and getting into planning, starting and building your own enterprise is very hard to overcome and in my book, I would greatly consider that a great success in the part of the individual.

On the other side of the coin, if I see a business person having too much money in his hands, I would consider that individual as someone who has stunted growth financially since having too much cash on hand will usually mean that one is running out of good business ideas. And what does such an individual do? Buys useless 'doodads', toys or liabilities like a new car, expensive camera etc..Not that these things are bad but they need to be purchased in the right perspective and not as a means to illustrate being 'successful.'

Well, what are you waiting for? Retreat and meditate on the word Success and what it means to you.


Angel said...

hi! thanks for sharing your ideas about success. i just realized that we really need to always be going for goals in order to find joy in life... if one doesnt have well defined goals, he can never say he's successful since he had nothing to evaluate himself against in the end.

pregusay said...

Thank you for your comment Angel. Setting written goals is a powerful tool that we, as Filipinos can harness to reach the Success that we want. It takes a lot of time to know
what you want in life.

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